Yalla Foundation and Levin Group have joined forces to help refugees and asylum seekers with finding job opportunities, sharpening interviewing skills, and landing jobs faster. Levin Group focuses on 5 sectors Levin Group was founded in 2019 and since then it has grown to a company of 150 employees with 5 offices across the world….
Author: Yalla
Two open trainee vacancies for refugees in an environmental consultancy
Climate Focus is an international advisory company advising governments, multilateral organizations, and companies across the globe on policies and projects to mitigate the impacts of climate change. We are currently have two open vacancies: for a Carbon Finance trainee and Climate Finance trainee, to be based in one of our Dutch offices (Amsterdam or Rotterdam)….
Unique Nijmegen research among people in their thirties
Radboud University Nijmegen is conducting a new and unique study on the way the human brain works, and what is the best way to reach a healthy level of brain? What is the effect of sleep, stress, food and the things we experience every day? There are many who participated in this study and the…
Helpdesk Yalla Foundation
Dear all, Like all of you, we at Yalla Foundation are experiencing the news of the war in Ukraine. And that as a result of this aggression, a lot of people are forced to leave their homes, their lives, and their country. For those of you who want to express solidarity with these refugees, we…
Що таке рух Ялла?
Що таке рух Ялла? Рух Ялла очолює Фонд Ялла, заснований у місті Неймеген в Нідерландах у 2016 році. Він спрямований на допомогу біженцям війни з метою надання допомоги та послугувати платформою для знайомства із людьми, які готові надати допомогу. Про яку допомогу йде мова? На даній платформі ви зможете знайти: – Контакти людей, які готові…
470 kinderen die in Heumensoord verblijven blij maken
Wil je een kleine donatie geven om alle kinderen van Heumensoord een kerstkadootje te schenken? De Yalla Foundation zet zich al jaren in voor vluchtelingen. Met de feestdagen voor de deur slaan we de handen ineen met Het Nest Festival voor een mooi doel; alle 470 kinderen die in Heumensoord verblijven blij maken met een…
Radboud lectures for Heumensoord in December
Radboud University invites you to a series oflectures on Dutch society presented byRadboud University staff. You are mostwelcome to join us in december and learnmore about Dutch society. After a lecture of20-30 minutes there will be room forquestions and discussion.December lectures8 December, 14:30-16:00 (doors open at14:15). Elinor Ostrom Building, room N01.170‘International Human right (both from…
Heumensoord Help-desk update
Help desk updatesFirst of all, we would like to thank everyone who emailed our helpdesk. All the responses are very impressive.We would like to emphasize the purpose and main tasks of the helpdesk.The helpdesk makes an inventory of the donations and initiatives offered to give a picture of what is coming in.What’s the next step?Based…