City Connection

City connection means that after you have received the status, you will be connected to a municipality in The Netherlands. All municipalities have to house status holders. How many that depends on how big the municipality is.

What is City Connection?

  • You will get a affordable, subsidized (social) house or room in this city.
  • You will be put first in the list of people waiting (in most municipalities). Not always, check the law change (only in Dutch).
  • If you refuse the social housing offer, you will be OFF the housing list. Within 2 weeks you have to leave COA. You can register to be on it again, but TOTALLY back in the line. That is dangerous: you may end up in the streets.

What is a Social House?

  • A subsidized or ‘social’ house costs less than 710,- rent per month. And you will get money back for the rent, according to your income level.
  • If you rent a more expensive house – it is called ‘rent in the free sector’. You will not be compensated if you earn not enough.
  • These houses are scarce – means that also many Dutch people wait for a house like that. Sometimes they wait over 20 years on a list.

Can I Choose the Municipality?

In principle no. Status holders will be divided over the country, but COA and municipalities try to offer you a house in the region of your AZC.
This is not always possible though. Sometimes it is more far away. There are exceptions, in the following cases you can request for a specific municipality or region:

  • Family in the 1st degree (parents, children) or partner in another municipality
  • Study or work in a municipality
    Study: not the integration course. Work: at least 20 hrs for 6 months in a contract. You must have this contract the moment you talk with COA about housing (after permit). Not necessarily paid work!
    A work contract (voluntary job) can not guarantee a change in city connection, it seems – but it can certainly increase the chance. We did not find any proof yet that it has to be a paid work contract. If there is any juridicial proof for this, we like to receive it. We heard of more cases where the voluntary job was the reason for (a change to) a municipality.  
    More information about Voluntary Work >>
  • Essential medical treatment in another municipality

Can I Change the Municipality?

No, but with some exceptions – if something CHANGES during the period you are waiting for a house:

  • Family in the 1st degree (parents, children) or partner in another municipality
  • Study or work in another municipality
    Study: not the integration course. Work: at least 20 hrs for 6 months in a contract. Have this contract the moment you talk with COA about housing (after permit). Not necessarily paid work!
  • Essential medical treatment in another municipality

Then you can request a change of municipality. COA will then try to find you a municipality more close to your study or work (<50 km). COA Regievoerders are responsible for this. Check which one is responsible in your (new) municipality.

Can I Find Another House Myself?

Yes you can, in theory you are free to choose wherever you want to live. But in The Netherlands affordable subsidized housing is not much available. Especially in the big cities. So this is not easy at all!

  • You will be taken off the priority list for a social house.
  • In practice only a room could be an alternative affordable option, or LUCK (check the section below for bingo social housing)
  • If you rent a room officially and refuse your social house, and if you will have family reunion later: check with COA what will happen then.
    We heard it was fixed one time and a new social house was offered (refer to disclaimer).
  • Be aware that depending in which municipality you will choose to live, your aid must be requested and a loan for furniture and essentials will maybe not available.
    Check this first at the municipality before you sign any contract.
  • VWN will help you still in you new city, but you will have to wait for your aid (can take up to 4-6 weeks). Who will pay the first months of rent for you?
  • Private renting agencies often have income demands which you can not meet. And you have to pay one or more month(s) rent ahead. Is that possible?

Bingo or “Loting” House

Sometimes housing organisations offer LOTING social houses. That means that all people on the waiting list can try to get the house and have the same chance to get them. If you register at a housing organisation, you can try to get a house in another municipality in this way. For Nijmegen / Arnhem you can see the offers at and you can register to be in the waiting list for a house for free.

How Many Status Holders in my Municipality?


  • There are ways to be waiting for a social house OUT OF THE AZC. COA supports this.
  • You will get 100,- per week extra to give to the people you can stay with as a guest (or keep it if you don’t have to pay them).
  • This can be done UNTIL the social house if available for you. And not for people under 21.
  • You have kids? Than it can only be in the area where your kids attend school.
  • People without children can do this also in another municipality than the municipality of the AZC, or the connected city is.
    But it does NOT give you the right to get a social house later in this municipality. Only if you in the mean time find a job in the temporary municipality, you can request a change of municipality.
  • The LOGEERREGELING may have influence on the income (toeslagen, uitkering) of your host. Therefore he can loose (parts of) the aid or support he gets.
  • There are more conditions. More information about this is available in Dutch: Logeerregeling (COA)

Complete Overview Housing Rules

Found a House? Now what? >>