If you are new in The Netherlands and need medical care or related health issues, you will be in touch with these organisations.
Gezondheidscentrum Asielzoekers | GCA
If asylum seekers or status holders who live at COA-facility have medical questions, they can contact the GCA Practiceline 0031881122112 or contact one of the related family doctors or practice-nurses at the shelter location. Always provide the number on your care card (RZA-insurance).
- You can not just visit a specialist without a referral letter from a general practitioner (huisarts).
- This is the same for all people in The Netherlands.
- If you are outside, traveling or need a doctor or hospital? You are insured for help.
For dental help (and taxi’s to them if you do not have your permit), you also directly call the GCA national telephone line: 0031881122112.
Gemeentelijke GezondheidsDienst | GGD
GGD provides public health care, also at alysum seeking centres. GGD stands for Local Health Service. They work to prevent infectional diseases to spread: advise on measurements like scabiës, chicken poks or the flu. And also:
- TBC (Tuberculose)-screening
- Hygiëne-inspections (like checking sanitairy facilities)
- Youth health care: the preventive care for all children 0-18 years and the vaccinations of children and youngsters up to and including 19 years
- Attention to kids indicated by a general practitioner or other professionals
- GGD national website and choose your region
Red Cross
Offer volunteers to provide medical help at COA-locations in The Netherlands. The volunteers are not doctors but are trained to provide first aid and offer medical advice.