Yalla Foundation supports an inclusive society, decreases social (in)stability and stimulates ‘gekanteld werken / bottum-up working’ with refugees and encourages on- and offline an inclusive society with refugees / newcomers.
Refugees are often isolated from the society during their stay within a COA refugee locations or when they obtain the temporary permit to stay, get a house and settle down. A big positive and divers network is essential to integrate well into society. For that Yalla Foundation exists!
On- and Offline Inclusive Society
On the Refugees in The Netherlands Facebook groups and in the other Yalla communities refugees can take responsibility and directly get in touch with local Dutch citizens. In this way we encourage inclusive society with refugees / newcomers. On these platforms and on the website, Yalla encourages integration and chases by:
- Supporting newcomers by help building a relevant social and professional diverse and local network
- Increase the power and motivation of newcomers to build a significant life in The Netherlands and take actively part in society
- Reducing the gap between newcomers and the receiving society (civilians, volunteers, activity organisers, municipalities) by providing information based on the info need to support mutual understanding
- Stimulate an open and hospitable society and social cohesioun, especially around reception centers
Policy Headlines
Yalla Foundation therefore:
- Actively builds and moderates her online communities, such as the facebook groups ‘Refugees in Netherlands Nijmegen #feelconnected” where thousands of group members can connect
- Supports intercultural connection offline and cooperates with many organisations for that
- Supplies the website www.yallafoundation.nl and www.welcometonijmegen.nl with relevant information, if possible in different languages
- Lobbies for opportunities to take away integration obstacles for newcomers and supporters
- Advise organisations which are working or going to work with the new generation of newcomers and on how to work towards an inclusive society and support connections
Recent Activities
- Management and moderating all the facebookgroups of Yalla Foundation
- Initiating and preparing content production of the website Welcome to Nijmegen and arrange translations in arabic and tigrinya in cooperation with the regional work organisation WBRN, Gemeente Nijmegen, STIP/Interlokaal, VrijwilligersCentrale, GGD
- Advice GGD on how to communicate better and connect with newcomers to increase health
- Cooperate with LUX and the movie makers of the movie In Procedure – initiate a meet and greet event after the movie
- Prepare a cooperation with the foundation My Syria who will produce an international tv-series with and about Syrian refugees
- Advice and connect local initiatives with each other and with newcomers
- Initiate a cooperaton with Open Embassy to together advice municipalites
- Advice on municipalital integration policy by attending meetings and by arranging focus group gatherings where newcomers directly provide feedback on municipalital issues concerning integration
- Heumensoord emergency shelter reunion party in concert hall Doornroosje, Nijmegen
Financiële support 2016-2019
Initiators / Founders
- Younes Younes
- Marinka Dohmen
Board Members
- Mariken de Jongh, language teache (chairman)
- Zeno van Ditzhuijzen (treasury), accountant
- Saskia Paulissen
All board members receive no income from the foundation, for their contributions. Only declared costs can be returned.
Contact: bestuur@yallafoundation.nl
RSIN: 8563.59.452