Learn Programming in Rotterdam for Refugees
تعلم البرمجة في روتردام دورة ثلاثة اشهر للاجئين
اذا كنت من الاشخاص الذين يريدون تطوير انفسهم مع بناء فرص عمل للمستقبل,
ريتسارت نت وورك تقدم برنامج مجاني في روتردام لتعليم البرمجة وتطوير المواقع الالكترونية.
ملاحظة :مصاريف النقل غير مغطاة
Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve yourself and become better?
Restart Network is a non-profit that empowers people to achieve their potential through tech education. Restart Network runs 3 months long coding bootcamps to teach student refugees the fundamentals of web development. At this moment Restart Network searches new students who are interested in IT and open to improve themselves. If you want to have a chance at being a new student at this amazing coding school, please click to apply on the website.
Keywords: Learn Programming in Rotterdam for Refugees