Did you loose something in the train or in town? Something seems stolen? In The Netherlands there are ways to find things back … First know exactly what you lost. Then define what to do and how to get it back. If you know things are stolen, please report it as soon as possible at the police in your town or area.
- Identity card or V-card
– Report it as soon as possible to the IND.
– You will get a letter as a temporary identity card. Do not loose this letter!
– If you did not find the ID of V-card back, you can get a new one at the IND. - Residence permit
– Go to the police, the police will report it missing. - Bank or money card
– Block the card as soon as possible to prevent losing money
– How? Call the bank or ask COA. Ask to block your card.
If the card is from ING, call 0202288800 (day and night)
– The bank will block your card.
– The bank will send you a new card. This can cost a couple of euros.
– You will receive the new card per post. And it has the same pin code you used to use.
Where did you loose something?
- In the train …
– Ask to use someones telephone if you don’t have credit.
– Try to remember EXACTLY which train you had and what the final destination was.
– Call to “Lost and found items | NS”: 0031307515155
– Fill in this form (in Dutch) and bring it to the NS counter at the nearest train station. - In the city
If something is found and brought to the police or municipality, cities put it on lost and found websites.
These two are the most famous:
Verloren of gevonden (in Dutch)
What to do?
1. Try to fill in the information.
– Facebook local found pages
You can post it there, or in local pages. Do not put too much personal data online, ask people to react in a personal message.