Organisations in the first period of being an asylum seeker in The Netherlands. Which organisations will you get to know?
Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers | COA
The Centraal Orgaan Asielzoekers (COA) is responsible for the reception, supervision and departure of refugees – asylum seekers coming to The Netherlands by providing safe housing, means, and programs. The COA organisation is directly under the responsibility of the State Secretary Dijkhoff (National Ministry of Safety and Justice). That means in practice COA is the boss at the premises of locations and local mayors have no or limited influence on what COA does.
- Go to the COA-website
- Responsibilities COA
- Go to the site of COA about the reception process (housing, procedure)
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland | VWN
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) means RefugeeWork The Netherlands. VWN protect the rights of refugees in The Netherlands. They do that from the moment of arrival up until the integration in Dutch society. How? By supporting them, starting with explaining the asylum procedure. For example by being present at asylum seekers conversations with the Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). Or they help with underpinning (explain the reasons of) the request for asylum.
They help indirectly by supporting the lawyers, at practical matters and finding family members. The workers are mostly professional volunteers. In some municipalities VWN helps in the first period when settling down (this is called ‘maatschappelijke begeleiding’).
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst | IND
IND implements the policy on foreign nationals in the Netherlands. This means that IND assesses all residence permit applications of people who intend to live in the Netherlands or who want to obtain Dutch citizenship. These decisions have a considerable impact on their personal life. For that reason decisions are made carefully.
Regeling Zorg Asielzoekers | RZA
De Regeling Zorg Asielzoekers (RZA) are the regulations for asylum seekers’ health care and it is insured by Menzis COA Administratie (MCA).
- RZA Asielzoekers website (in Dutch)
- Health insurance (and what is insured when you are living at COA)
- Ask for a new care card (in Dutch)
- Care offerers that have contracts with RZA (there you can go)
Need medical care?
Call the GCA Practiceline on 0881122112
Do you discover or are you someone under age, without parents or guardians? Contact NIDOS. Nidos is an independent family guardian organization, pursuant to the law, Nidos fullfils the guardianship task for Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers. This task is carried out by professionals who, with respect for the own cultural background of the youngster, on the basis of commitment and with specific expertise: put the interests of the individual youngster first; manage his development to independence; intervene when this development is at risk of stagnation in any way.