Organisations in the Study Field

These organisations are important to know if you are planning to continue studying in The Netherlands. Inform at your local municipality if there are local initiatives or possibilities to find support. Sometimes there are local arrangements – that can profit you in your situation.

Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs | DUO

DUOThe Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) finances people aged under 30 in their studies, informs participants in education and educational institutions and organizes examinations. DUO registers you at a study of your choice and it is the organisation that provides you with a loan to study (or do your integration courses). After you have received your temporary permit, you receive a letter from DUO with information about the integration courses, language courses and loans. You have to finish these requirements within 3 years after receiving your permit for The Netherlands. You don’t have to pay the loan back if you finish the integration requirements within a certain period.

If you are over 30, UAF can help you to find your way with learning Dutch and study.

Foundation for Refugee Students | UAF

UAFThe Foundation for Refugee Students UAF helps highly educated refugees towards finding a fitting position in society (work and study). UAF supports and counsels refugees during studying and while finding work that fits their capacities. If necessary UAF offers financial support for studies. Also they fight for the rights of highly educated refugees in society, media, politics and in the educational field.

Local initiatives of UAF may provide help you in your region. Inform at your municipality if UAF supports in this field locally.

Internationale Diplomawaardering | IDW

IDWYou have a foreign diploma or did you study before? Do you want to know the value of this diploma in the Netherlands? Then you’ll have to contact IDW. They can:

  • Evaluate your diploma 
  • Evaluate your education level (without a factual diploma).

SBB and EP-Nuffic together compare your foreign diploma with the Dutch educational system. If you entered The Netherlands in 2016, and have a permit, one time a diploma validation is covered by the integration courses (DUO – Labour market course).