Participation and voluntary work for refugees in The Netherlands, what is allowed? You can do work for free to contribute to society, and it can bring a lot. Experience, a good feeling, learning the language faster. But where are the opportunities for refugees and newcomers?
Advantages of Participation and Voluntary Work for Refugees in The Netherlands
- Good for your cv: build positive references and earn certificates
- Give something back to Dutch society
- Be busy during the day: time will pass faster
- Gain some experience in Dutch society
- Get to know more people
How to Find Voluntary Work?
- Ask in the facebook groups of Yalla Foundation
- Let all the volunteers you know know what you are looking for
- Ask the local voluntary agency if they can be a bridge
- Ask COA, the municipality of the work agencies, musea or festivals
- Show yourself an what you can contribute
Links to Know More about Participation and Voluntary Work for Refugees in The Netherlands
Your employer or the organisation that receives you, must not fire a Dutch person because you will work for free. Therefore officially the employer should fill in ‘Aanvraagformulier Verklaring Vrijwilligerswerk WDO215513‘ and send it to UWV.
More info (in Dutch) for you / your employer:
- Handreiking Vrijwilligerswerk door Vluchtelingen (pdf)
- Mogen Asielzoekers Vrijwilligerswerk doen (Rijksoverheid)
- Vreemdelingen | Vrijwilligerswerk (website)