Domestic Abuse

If you see/witness a situation of abuse or you are a victim of abuse, important phone numbers are:
* Emergency number: 112
* Domestic Abuse National Hotline (Veilig Thuis): 0800-2000

What are the first steps to take if you are victim of abuse?

  1. Inform trusted individuals
  2. Keep Records  of the incident
  3. File a Police Report
  4. Turn off the location settings on your mobile phone
  5. Look for a shelter
  6. Know your Rights in the courtroom
  7. Have a suitcase ready
  8. Stay  in the country
  9. Safekeep you passport and important documents
  10. Carry the number of an interpreting center

Arise NL is an organisation which helps victims of domestic abuse and provides information in English. The information can help you to leave an abusive situation and Arise can give support in the courtroom. Have a look at the ARISE NL website, here.

how to get out of an abusive situation